
Showing posts from May, 2021

Been a While...Things are a Mess, Aren't They?

Yes, it's been a while since I last posted. Part of that was just my complete disgust over the election last fall. Another part of that was that my work keeps me very busy from October through mid-December - I simply didn't have time to think, much less post about what I was thinking, about politics. That doesn't account for the last five months of course - I've no good excuse for it, but thanks to an online friend on the National Review site, Alan M, I'm back in the saddle. Think of this as the Good, the Bad and... the Ugly. The Magnificent Seven it most certainly is not. Fortunately, there is lots to be talking about, since the Biden presidency so closely resembles an explosion in a paint factory. What an absolute mess. America has gone from - geez - what do I say here? Despite Covid-19, the Wuhan Flu, America was starting to come around.  Internationally, China, Russia, North Korea, Iran - all the hotspots were under control. The Middle East was peaceful, and th