Been a While...Things are a Mess, Aren't They?

Yes, it's been a while since I last posted. Part of that was just my complete disgust over the election last fall. Another part of that was that my work keeps me very busy from October through mid-December - I simply didn't have time to think, much less post about what I was thinking, about politics.
That doesn't account for the last five months of course - I've no good excuse for it, but thanks to an online friend on the National Review site, Alan M, I'm back in the saddle. Think of this as the Good, the Bad and... the Ugly. The Magnificent Seven it most certainly is not.

Fortunately, there is lots to be talking about, since the Biden presidency so closely resembles an explosion in a paint factory. What an absolute mess. America has gone from - geez - what do I say here? Despite Covid-19, the Wuhan Flu, America was starting to come around. 

Internationally, China, Russia, North Korea, Iran - all the hotspots were under control. The Middle East was peaceful, and the Abraham Accords were an indication that peace in that troubled desert just might be a possibility.
As promised, there was a vaccine against the pandemic. Not just one, but three of them, despite the screaming of democrats who said it simply wasn't possible to have a vaccine in less than a million (ok, three to five) years. Shows what modern business can do when you give them a chance, as Trump did.
Southern border crossings by illegal immigrants were down considerably.
GDP for the last quarter of 2020 was up, as expected, as America started to very slowly re-open, led by red states like Florida and Texas. 

Today? Skip the paint factory simile, America is a dumpster fire, and the dumpster was full of used children's diapers. What a stench Biden and his team have created.

All of the above mentioned countries are back in the news, and none of them in a good way. The Middle East just managed to avoid all out war, after Hamas launched over 4000 rockets at Israel. Odd how, when Biden restored funding to the Palestinians, a four year plus period of relative calm was shattered by the purchase of $175 million in rockets, kindly supplied by Iran as a Hamas leader publicly stated while thanking them.

Gas and fuel prices are climbing rapidly and  are now 25% above a year previous. Inflation is at 4.2% in April, the highest rate since 1981. Remember '81? It wasn't a good year at all.
Employment numbers for April, expected to be close to a million, came in at an anemic - hell, a sickly, wasted away, miserable 266k, while unemployment went up to 6.1%.
The deficit? Don't ask, and try not to wonder what word describes numbers that come after 'trillion'.

Biden has reversed almost every policy on the southern border that Trump put in place. The result? A twenty year record for illegal immigrants was broken in March. And that record was broken in April. But it's not a crisis, no sirree. It's Trump's fault - although I'll be honest, the logic in getting to that decision escapes me. Then again, it's Democrat logic, so being unable to understand it means I'm still mentally in great shape.

Biden took office with a promise to jab one million arms per week. Impressive, until you realize that the Trump administration ended with over 980,000 jabs per week.  In the karma department however, it's kind of funny to watch as the new administration attempts to convince vaccine holdouts to get stuck, after stating they would never trust 'Trump's vaccine'. 

In fact, the whole edifice of hypocrisy that has been the left since Trump was elected - ok, ok, since forever, but I'm not going to address anything pre 2016, has been crashing down on their heads. Talk about the gang that couldn't shoot straight, the only hits they've had can only be described as 'self inflicted wounds'.
Nothing they've done has worked out well. Don't believe me? Name a single aspect of American life that is better than it is from one year ago, excluding issues involving the pandemic. 
Nowhere - not foreign policy, not the economy, or racial issues, or any other single issue in America is better than it was a year ago.

Just last week, Biden's approval rating was - sit down please - 48%. And that's with the media's clear sycophancy favouring Biden, their "he can do no wrong" coverage.
Trump's approval rating at this same point in time? 45%, and that was with 92% negative media coverage.
Percentage of people who think America is heading in the right direction? 38%. Reuters puts that number at 37%. The Wall Street Journal at 36%. More telling is the spread from those that think America is heading in the wrong direction: 54, 48, 56%, making a spread of -15, -11, -20.
Someone call the lifeguard, this administration is underwater. Oh...wait. Biden was a lifeguard when he was young, he'll save us. America had better hope he hasn't forgotten those skills. Oh.... never mind, too late. America had better learn to tread water, it's going to be a long four years. Even that wouldn't be so bad, we've done it before, but treading water in the toilet that this administration is trying to turn America into? 

Reading all of this, I now understand why I haven't written on politics in over six months. What is going on now is depressing. I've made two scatological references today, something I rarely do when writing. America is not only sliding backwards, the Biden administration is greasing the skids to help it happen even faster. It hurts to watch what's going on, to watch the lying, and the idiotic attempts of people like "circle back Psaki" as she tries in vain to polish this turd of a government - and there I go again, that's three references now.
What would you give to see Kayleigh McEnany back on that podium? Bright, pleasant, super intelligent, always prepared, and more than able to take on any and all comers from the media. She was a real star.

The hell with this. I'm in the Bahamas on my sailboat, the weather is fabulous, and there's a bottle of rum in the pantry. Time to break it out and cheer myself up by thinking of anything but this idiotic mess that the US has let itself get dragged in to, the fools who are trying in vain to run this government, and failing.
Remember everyone - as bad as it is, it could be worse. You could have my Prime Minister, the feckless, idiotic Justin Trudeau, he of good hair and blackface.
Must. Hold. On. To. That. Thought.
Cheers everyone. I'll be back again soon. I just have to thicken my skin some before plunging back into writing about this mess.

Today's Tune - this will be a new feature of my blog, for most of us a leap back into our youth as I recall a song I've enjoyed recently. And no, I won't be pretending to be a music critic. I listen to a song because I like how it sounds. My sentiments lie with the producers of 'Incense and Peppermint', by Strawberry Alarm Clock. Like me, they loved the tune, so they told the composer to put some words, any words, to it - the song is quite likely our world's first helping of word salad, so give it a listen also. Today's tune, because I love the guitar in it and the overall tempo - Back on the Chain Gang, by the Pretenders, one of the 80s girl bands that did so well. And no, I didn't choose the song on the basis of the band's name, apropos to today's topic as it is.


  1. Look time see. Where have you been? Good article. Looking forward to the next one.

  2. Great essay, Sailin'Man! Sad too. You DO continue to have that way with words! I especially appreciated: "Skip the paint factory simile, America is a dumpster fire, and the dumpster was full of used children's diapers."

    And: "Name a single aspect of American life that is better than it is from one year ago, excluding issues involving the pandemic."

    This was something I pointed out in December of 2016. I said something similar to what you just said (paraphrasing): "Not one single aspect of life on the planet, has improved since Barack Obama became President."

    And it was true.


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