The Fish Rots from the Head Down


Director of National Intelligence John Radcliffe has just this week notified the Senate Judiciary Committee of recently declassified documents that indicate that the entire Russia collusion scheme was dreamed up and signed off on by Hillary Clinton. Also that the FBI was aware of this as early as July 2016 from a Russian intelligence source. And finally, that Brennan briefed Obama on it. That's right - Obama knew from the start, just as many of us have suspected.
According to Andy McCarthy in the National Review, handwritten notes from former CIA director Brennan stated:
[Brennan] briefed President Obama and other senior national security officials about the intelligence, including the "alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.

In fairness, the allegation regarding Clinton is from Russian intelligence and has not, as yet, been confirmed. However, what is definitely known is that Obama (and Biden no doubt!) were briefed on the information, that they were told that Clinton 'had a plan'.
So is it true? Did Clinton "sign off" on what we've come to know as the Russia collusion story?
If it is - she should be in jail. No question about that, as well as that her campaign team should be on the same cell block. This may well be what she was referencing when she famously allegedly said "If that f - - - ing bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!"
But even if it is not true, or at a minimum was unconfirmed at the time, the allegation brings up still more serious questions about the entire Russia escapade. The FBI knew of these allegations, but proceeded with Crossfire Hurricane, the investigation into the Trump campaign, presumably without investigating the truth of the allegation against Clinton that this was her plan. President Obama knew, and by not demanding that any bogus investigation into Trump stop, he condoned the malfeasance we've seen. You can add Biden there as well. Brennan, Comey and all the rest of them. All rotten.
On the other side - we have the Steele dossiers that were bought and paid for by the Clinton campaign, we have the fact that the FBI knew this to be so, that the FBI knew the dossier was bogus, that in fact, the FBI knew that the subsource for the dossier
, Igor Danachenko, had been investigated as a Russian spy by the FBI in 2009/10, an investigation that was dropped when Danachenko left the US to return to Russia.
The sad part here is that the fuss going on over the confirmation of Judge Amy Conan Barrett is going to overwhelm what minimal, if any, news coverage this story gets. What McCarthy wrote may just be all (s)he wrote on this story. A shame the national media has sinus problems. 
Excuse me - I have to go get some air freshener, the stench of rotting fish is simply overwhelming. 


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