
Showing posts from September, 2020

The Fish Rots from the Head Down

  Director of National Intelligence John Radcliffe has just this week notified the Senate Judiciary Committee of recently declassified documents that indicate that the entire Russia collusion scheme was dreamed up and signed off on by Hillary Clinton. Also that the FBI was aware of this as early as July 2016 from a Russian intelligence source. And finally, that Brennan briefed Obama on it. That's right - Obama knew from the start, just as many of us have suspected. According to Andy McCarthy in the National Review , handwritten notes from former CIA director Brennan stated: [Brennan] briefed President Obama and other senior national security officials about the intelligence, including the "alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services. In fairness, the allegation regarding Clinton is from Russian intelligence and has no

Everyone Needs a Good Reading List!

 As much as we all like to think of ourselves as original thinkers, the fact is, we need information, data, facts, to formulate our thinking. I've always been a voracious reader even as a child, often finishing several books in a week, as well as a couple of daily newspapers and a magazine or two.  Coming into adulthood and its responsibilities - plus discovering girls when I was 17 - that changed somewhat. These days, I generally read for an hour or two in the morning, and I try to make that time count by reading quality writers. It helps too that now, nearly 50 years later, girls have not been falling all over me! Liberal readers, if you want to put a dent into my writing, find me a girlfriend who will take up all my time. So what do I read? I'll generally read almost anything that catches my eye, no matter where it's from. I will even read stuff from sources that the left denigrates as trash, because often they will have quotes and sources that have value. I just ignore

Where to Start? So Many Options...

 Nothing beats starting a political blog in the end run to what is likely to be the most consequential American election in history. If I can't get your attention now, I'll never get it. I mean, really - this election features the most detested President in history, a man who has managed to make fools of so many who have tried to stand against him versus a man who many suspect may be suffering from senile dementia . Remember, everyone from the media to democrat politicians just loved Trump - prior to that fateful ride down the escalator. After that, they cannot ridicule or insult or lie about him enough. Trump started by taking on 16 Republican contenders for the GOP's presidential nomination - and whupped them all. He took on the entire left wing media - but I repeat myself there don't I? - and whupped them. Then he took on the Democrat party and the 'best, most prepared candidate' ever in Hillary Clinton - and trashed her, all while the media lied and misrepre

Welcome to Doing It Right...

 Hello, and welcome to Doing It Right . I've been thinking about doing this blog for a very long time, but up until today, was posting my thoughts on Facebook because it was convenient.  Today, I woke up to find that I had been "restricted" from posting on Facebook for the next three days. Apparently, I've violated their community standards - but they didn't tell me how, or when. In fact, it appears that I may be being punished for stuff I did months and years ago.  Naturally, this has nothing to do with the fact I'm an unrepentant conservative, does it? So I will no longer be posting politically on Facebook. I need the exposure FB gives me for business purposes. I wish that weren't so, and I'm looking for ways to leave Facebook completely. Art Garfunkel addressed this concept in his song, 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover. I'm sure we all know the words.... "Just put out the post, Yost. Post a new plan, Stan.  You don't need to be gui, Louis. J