Where to Start? So Many Options...

 Nothing beats starting a political blog in the end run to what is likely to be the most consequential American election in history. If I can't get your attention now, I'll never get it.
I mean, really - this election features the most detested President in history, a man who has managed to make fools of so many who have tried to stand against him versus a man who many suspect may be suffering from senile dementia. Remember, everyone from the media to democrat politicians just loved Trump - prior to that fateful ride down the escalator. After that, they cannot ridicule or insult or lie about him enough.
Trump started by taking on 16 Republican contenders for the GOP's presidential nomination - and whupped them all. He took on the entire left wing media - but I repeat myself there don't I? - and whupped them. Then he took on the Democrat party and the 'best, most prepared candidate' ever in Hillary Clinton - and trashed her, all while the media lied and misrepresented every single thing he did.
As a result of all this, the public's trust in the media is lower than it has ever been in history, and with good reason. The lies, mostly of omission or deceit, along with bald faced lies that democrats never seem to question, account for that lack of trust. A lot of people are concerned that the media is not to be trusted, and they are right. The problem is, how does a democracy survive when the electorate cannot look to the media as an honest presenter of the facts?
I've pointed out numerous times on my FB page how the media lies. I don't need to repeat those points here, but it's a far more serious problem than many realize.
For instance, how is one to analyze the candidates when the media deliberately hides the facts? We saw this in 2016 with Hillary Clinton. Rumours abounded about her health, but when she collapsed and was rushed by her handlers into a van, the media pretended it didn't happen. 
We're watching this happen again right now. Nine days this month, Joe Biden has stopped campaigning for the day, "put a lid on it" as the saying goes, as early as 9:30 am. Meanwhile, Trump does three, four and five rallies a day all around the country. The man is the political EverReady bunny, he just keeps going and going, and going...
So is Biden exhausted, too tired to campaign? That's the speculation, but his campaign tells us that he is "preparing for the debates". Really? Especially when Biden himself has stated that he really hasn't started preparing yet. So what's actually going on here? Maybe if the media were to ask him.... nah, ain't gonna happen.

Then we have the Supreme Court issue. Only in 2020 could you take the most consequential election in history, and then add to the drama and intrigue with the death of a Supreme Court Justice. Not to mention the burning bright anger of every democrat in America.
The lies have been flying fast and furious, with the left stating that Trump has no right to seat a justice to replace the late Justice Ginsburg, who passed away last week. 
Meanwhile, right wing pundits such as David Harsanyi at National Review present strong arguments for the opposite point of view, that Trump and the GOP have every right to confirm a new justice to the Supreme Court. This article is well worth the read - No Reason Why Not...
Worse however, are the lies and slanders already being levied against Amy Conan Barrett, who has been unofficially announced as Trump's pick for the Supreme Court seat. Hopefully, we will not see a repeat of the 2018 Kavanaugh hearings, but, being as democrats are upset over this, I fear the worst.
On the other hand, some pundits suggest that the democrat (over)reaction to Brett Kavanaugh was responsible for four Senate seats going to the GOP in 2018. An awful price for anyone to pay, much less his wife and children, to be subjected to that sort of abuse.
On the other hand, I still laugh till I cry thinking of Kavanaugh's nastiest detractor, former lawyer Michael Avenatti, now in jail and facing even more serious charges. I know I shouldn't laugh at the hardships of others - but this narcissistic, hate filled publicity hound brought the entire mess down on himself. In his eagerness to be a hero to democrats, he cratered his life with criminal charges that speak to his complete lack of morals and integrity.
To add insult to injury, the courts ordered him to give his law firm's Honda jet airplane to his second wife in their divorce. However, the feds seized it based on tax, wire and bankruptcy fraud indictments filed in the U.S. Central District Court of California. No wonder Tucker Carlson called him the "creepy porn lawyer". 
Looking again at Biden, the biggest issue he suffers from to my thinking is his apparent inability to function competently. He flubs lines while using a teleprompter even to answer questions from the media (which appear pre-planned and planted with friendly journos), and completely loses his train of thought...

Seriously, can you see this man functioning effectively in dealings with foreign leaders like Putin, Xi Jianping or others? He can't even handle a friendly crowd of a half dozen tame journalists.
I submit as evidence the video of the Bill Baier interview with his press secretary, the ineffable, incompetent and completely unbelievable... TJ Ducklo... 

Watch how Ducklo licks his lips as Brett asks the question. That's fear. The man expected the question and was terrified of it, while knowing he had to give it his best shot. And his best shot was... well, it was pretty sad.
More than anything else, I cannot understand how any thinking American can bring themselves to vote for a man who clearly is no longer compos mentis. The debate coming up next Tuesday, if indeed it comes off, ought to be quite interesting.
I'd love to hear what you're thinking about all of this. Please leave your comments below. If you've enjoyed this article and would like to see more, use the sign up link above and don't miss a single syllable. If you have friends who you think might enjoy it, please share this with them on FB or via email using the share link at the top. 
Until the next time...


  1. Very interesting and well presented and explained.

  2. Very well written and to the point.

  3. Great. Now something new I have to read everyday!

  4. Thank you everyone. Much appreciated. I'll do my best to live up to your expectations.


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