It's up to you to make it happen!

 As I sat watching the Tony Bobulinski interview on Tucker Carlson tonight, I realized that I was sharing the moment with hundreds, if not thousands, of fellow journalists, most of them sitting at home in the suburbs of Washington DC and New York. At the same time, I also realized that while I would shortly be writing about what I saw and heard, most of them would be shaking their heads in dismay, knowing that if they were to write the truth they were watching, their editors would spike the story. They knew that insisting that what Tony B was saying was news, important news, could cost them their careers. 
Normally, after any "bombshell" interview, the internet is flooded with comments from competing outlets. That's how media works - it's a pile on - usually.
In this case, 45 minutes after the close of the interview, only four media stories about it were extant - Yahoo! News, NewsweekMSN and a story from the NY Post, which broke the Bobulinski story in the first place and updated their most recent story with tonight after Bobulinski spoke on Tucker.
Where is CNN? Where is the Washington Post? Where is Politico? The Hill? MSNBC? More than anything else, the silence of the media tells this story: the elites, the left wing media, are terrified of this story, of what it could do to their hopes and prayers that Biden defeats Trump in seven days' time.
I'm not here to rehash the entire story. You either know it, or of it, if you're a conservative. If you're a liberal or democrat, you either have never heard of this or, if you have, you've bought into the claim that it's Russian disinformation, the current BS line that the campaign and Biden surrogates are trying to push on their naive and credulous followers.
If you haven't seen the Tucker interview, and I highly recommend it to you, here's the link for you - If you haven't got time for the entire interview, this shorter version will give you a good feel for what was said - - but I really recommend you take the time to watch the entire video. It won't be wasted.
Notice, as Bobulinski speaks, he's very controlled, although clearly angry, and he's forthright about what's he's saying. His body language, his demeanour, scream honesty. Some of the most powerful moments come at the end of the interview, when he discusses his motivations, how he has a former SEAL Team wih whom he served looking out for his family after death threats, how he wishes that the Biden campaign would start answering these questions, "so I don't have to".
This is a man who was told by one of Biden's people that if he went public with what he knew, "You are going to bury all of us man". They didn't want this story told.

This is not a man who wants to be in this situation, and he makes that clear. But this is a man who loves his country, and who is speaking up because of that. When his family name was smeared by Adam Schiff claiming the story was "Russian disinformation", Bobulinski said 
"I was at the end of the rope. I called [Biden associate] Rob Walker. I told him that if that statement wasn't retracted by midnight on Sunday then I was going on record:"

"This isn't a political focus of mine," Bobulinski said during the interview. "People are accusing my family of treason after I served this country and defended this country."

It's quite clear that the mainstream media is not going to discuss this, that the lockdown that the New York Post is experiencing on Twitter will continue. I dare not mention this directly on my Facebook page if I want to keep that page.
But - the following information is vitally important to America: the Democratic Party is attempting to elect a man who provably sold out his country, who used his son and brother to do so, and who is beholden to the Chinese - and the Ukrainians, the Khazakastanians, and several other countries. Biden and his family have made millions of dollars by misusing Biden's influence in politics, by misusing American foreign policy to both enrich, and in the case of the Ukraine, to protect, his family and especially his son Hunter.
Tony Bobulinski proved all of that tonight, and the American media wants no part of it. None, zip, nada, bupkus, zero.
If the truth is going to get out, it is up to you - yes, YOU! You need to post the truth on your social media, you need to be as brave an American as Tony B. has been and get this news out so that every God fearing American learns about it before they vote, that all of your liberal friends are aware of what Biden has done to America in enriching himself and his family.
Post this blog in as many places as you can, including and especially left wing sites and pages, make sure that Democrats know what Biden has been up to. If enough of them learn the truth, they'll not vote for him and help to stop this lying candidate, this thief of American values, from becoming president.
You have one week. Go!


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