There is Brown Fecal Material Spewing Out of the Air Moving Machine

 Back in 2017, Sean Hannitty and dozens of other prominent conservatives, plus millions of everyday Republicans, declared President Trump to be innocent of any collusion with Russia, as claimed by democrats, the New York Times, Rachel Maddow and every other liberal you can think of. As conservatives, we endured the screeching, the calumny, the outright lies that the left and its media rained down on our heads over our support of President Donald Trump.
I don't know about you, but there were times my faith was kinda shaky. Let's be honest, when everyone, including people who we thought were conservatives (but weren't) are all singing from the same page, it's tough to be resolute, to stand against the haters. But we hung in there, and today, our faithfulness has been rewarded. Oh yes, has it been rewarded.
Before I get to that, let me back up a bit. Remember the Devin Nunes 'scandal', when Nunes started finding things out and was forced out of play for a short while while being investigated? Remember he started to point out that all was not kosher, that we'd been lied to - and Democrats, including the utterly uber despicable Schiff - laughed at him and called him down? Then, we discovered that the FISA court actually had been lied to by the FBI as Nunes said, that there was NO predicate for the warrants against Carter Page, and that that truth cut at the very foundation of the Mueller investigation.
So we discover that Nunes was correct, not that it got a lot of play in the media. Not long afterwards, more dominoes started to fall and in the past year or so, everything has changed.
Just one example, the case against General Flynn has fallen to pieces, with the FBI being caught out in an attempt to destroy him . The Mueller investigation previously determined that there was no 'collusion' between Russia and the Trump campaign, although the left has spent countless hours trying to pretty up that pig. There just isn't enough lipstick to manage that.
But just recently - oh, wait, first - do any of you remember me saying a couple of years back that this would go to the top, that ultimately, we might well see Trump having to pardon Obama for what Obama might have done? I didn't say it loudly, but I did mention it to a few friends.
So just recently, the news comes out that the CIA has information from a Russian source that Hillary Clinton authorized a plan put forth by one of her aides in July 2016: to 'dirty up' the Trump campaign by tying Trump to Russia. That fits in with what we know about the now entirely discredited Steele dossier.
Immediately, the left started howling, but with so much other news - Ginsburg's passing, the Supreme Court and Amy Conan Barrett, Trump's coronavirus scare, the debate - the story didn't get a lot of play. Basically, the left claimed this was a Russian disinformation play and that American intelligence was being scammed by them.
Here's the initial letter from DNI Ratcliffe to Senator Lindsay Graham.

That's pretty serious stuff - it's one thing to lie about your opponent, but to accuse them of what is essentially treasonous behaviour, and to create fake evidence to back up your lies? And to think that woman called conservatives "deplorable".
So then, John Radcliffe - praise his name to the skies! - declassified on Trump's orders further intelligence, including hand written memos from then CIA Director John Brennan, which discussed the fact that Brennan briefed President Obama and VP Joe Biden about what Hillary was allegedly doing.
The left of course denies that Obama got this briefing, but the proof is there in Brennan's own handwriting.  Radcliffe (all praise be to the DNI!) has further stated that this is not Russian disinformation - see the twitter comment from him below.
On top of that - if the President is briefed on something, it's a solid bet that the intelligence committee believes it to be true. They aren't about to waste the President's time with garbage intel.
In other words, not only did Hillary Clinton start the entire Russia collusion line of crap, the head of the CIA briefed the president and vice president about it.
I don't know how to say this more clearly, but since 2016, Obama, Joe Biden, Clapper, Comey - every single one of these sons of bitches including Pelosi, Schumer and that despicable snake Schiff - knew, absolutely, that Trump was innocent of any "Russia collusion". Knew it without any doubts at all. 
We've been right all along, and we've been lied to by the democrats while they, the left and the media, attempted to destroy this President with a pack of lies.
I don't know if this behaviour on the part of Clinton, Obama, Biden et al constitutes a crime in America. If it doesn't, it should.
But I do know this one thing for sure... based on what we now know about the past four years, based on the lies the left has told in its attempts to take, and then attempts to retake - power, Joe Biden and the democrats should be denied the vote of every thinking American who cares about his or her country. These people do not deserve power. They deserve hanging.

Oh yes, isn't that what Clinton said in a 2016 email to then Acting DNC Chair Donna Braxile - "If that f#@kin bastard wins, we're all going to hang from nooses. You better fix this s**t!"
One of you go find a tree with some strong branches. I'll get the rope. It's time to set this travesty right.

EDIT - not ten minutes after posting, I find this on Twitter - that fan is on TURBO speed!


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