Dealing with Antifa...

 One of the things in the past few years that has disturbed me more than almost anything is the emergence of Antifa. Antifa, who appear to be anarchists with a strong left wing bias, have been behind much of the violence we watched during the summer of 2020, and who continue to sow violence when decent, law abiding Americans attempt to peacefully assemble, as in the video below. Look at these thugs - they are clearly geared up for violence, and who are they harassing? A group of churchgoers, women, children and men who largely eschew violence.
Thus, we get scenes such as this - where the criminals run roughshod over the rights of the citizens.

How can this be stopped? Frankly, short of the police intervening, which in many cases they simply will not, as happened here, it's up to us. There are more of us, and we are certainly far more capable than these punk children.
What has to happen - this is an ugly, ugly statement but it needs to be said: these people have to be fought back against, and not just for personal protection, but to be taught a lesson.
What needs to happen here is that these punks need to be entrapped, brought into a situation where they are not only beaten at their own game, but beaten senseless. They need to be beaten until they are unconscious, and left lying on the ground, with a clear message sent: This will happen again and again until you leave us alone.
Some of them will end up hospitalized. Fine. That's good. The more that are injured seriously enough for hospital, the fewer that will be foolish enough to step forward a second time. A few long convalescences will do wonders for their IQs.
That's the price of the game they want to play. They need to understand that decent Americans are fed up with them - that their political leaders might give them cover, might tell the police not to step up and stop them - but that everyday Americans will no longer tolerate them.
How can this be done? There are lots of capable men, veterans, former cops, truly tough, trained men who can easily and comfortably handle these punks. A large group of them needs to be nearby during one of these events, and when the Antifa show up, these men step up and take control. They beat these punks senseless. No mercy. They don't stop until every last one of these punks is in significant pain, with broken bones, bleeding, and unable to continue with their violence.
Then strip their little black costumes off of them so they don't look so fearsome lying there in the dirt. Humiliate them. Take their photos while they're lying there and then dox them. Cost them their jobs, if they have jobs. Make them pay in whatever means are available.
We are not talking fair fighting here. We are talking punishment of the most violent sort. Beat them until they are lying on the ground and unconscious. Give no quarter, no mercy. If these punks want to play stupid games, then they win stupid prizes. 
Sadly, sometimes the only way to stop violence is to use it more effectively than the other guy - to make the other guy realize that he is not willing to pay the price that will be demanded. As a child, I was briefly bullied until my dad, a police officer, taught me to box. Then, after a couple of the bullies had their noses bloodied in the ensuing fights, the troubles ended. It wasn't worth pushing me, or my friends who were now under my protection, around. The bullies found other targets. What I propose is no different. These Antifa punks are bullies, and they need to be made to suffer and pay the price.
Then it's made clear via the media that this sort of thing will happen every time Antifa tries to intervene and attack innocent Americans going about their business.
Naturally, at this point the police WILL step up, since the media will be outraged that their heroes got beaten. We can count on that.
And that's fine. The police are told that as long as they protect everyone equally, similar beat downs won't occur. In other words, the police do their jobs and protect the citizens - as they failed to do in this video - and everything is all right.
Otherwise, we continue to let these punks rule our streets, violate our rights, dictate how you exercise your First Amendment rights.
A great many of you reading this are, if you've made it this far, aghast at what I've suggested. Well, if you don't like it, if what I've suggested seems far too violent, let's hear your suggestions on how to stop the kind of violence against innocent people that you see in the video above. 


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