Mass Psychotic Formation - We've Talked About That
Dr. Malone When you're a journalist, it's always a great feeling to find yourself out in front of the pack. So when Joe Rogan interviewed Dr. Malone recently and Dr. Malone brought up "Mass Formation Psychosis", I was immediately interested to see how it fit with my earlier article about "Mass Psychogenic Illness" . The parallels are obvious, but what truly concerns me is that many Americans are being led from delusion to delusion. That's obvious as you will see when you consider my comments, and what we are seeing now. I will leave you now to read, or reread, my article on Mass Psychogenic Illness with the suggestion that you consider it in light of Dr. Malone's comments about what we are seeing today viz vaccination hysteria. You might also consider the fact that if you search the term on Google, you'll find considerably different hits than if you search it on Duck Duck Go. That too concerns me, because it's an...